Maintaining Well Being in Turbulent Times

I am not an early adopter on most anything technological. But I was for Facebook. I joined almost ten years ago – which was just three years after the social media platform began. It appealed to me in a way that other things up to that time had not, like Linked In (which I use but not in the same way) or other failed platforms. It was easy for me to use and fun.

As I traveled the world for work and more and more friends were added, I became amazed at just how connected and interwoven my world – and the world – is. I have Facebook friends all over the world, some I have met in person, some I grew up with, some I have never met and likely won’t and friends I have now met in person because of Facebook. It keeps me in touch with people I would long ago have fallen out of touch with if I didn’t see them on my newsfeed. It puts me in touch with people I never expected to meet.

I bump into people all the time who comment on how much I post (a bit embarrassing) and how inspiring my posts are (very rewarding). I do post a lot. I try to keep it positive. However, I’ve become caught up in watching politics, which may or may not have happened anyway. So not all my posts have been as positive lately as I struggle with my own internal dynamic tension of how much do I want or need to take in and put out there and how much do I need or want to ignore the plethora of stories streaming into my awareness that are depressing, disturbing and anxiety inducing.

disconnecting-from-technologyI am now seeking the balance between being informed and aware and protecting my own state of well being. I’m not leaving Facebook as people dramatically announce from time to time. But I am practicing turning it off instead of leaving it open all the time and having it as a go to response in the middle of writing or as a distraction from something else. I am monitoring how much I post and trying to monitor how much I read. In this post over at Worldview Intelligence, I talked about when I stopped reading the paper and watching the news. These were easier to stop because they didn’t also contain a social network that still feels important to me.

Noticing my moods and my reactions. Paying attention to what makes me feel anxious and what makes me feel good. Becoming more present. Holding my loved ones close.

What are you doing to maintain your own well being in these turbulent times?


Use Your Contrasting Thoughts to Strategize and Problem Solve

Sometimes we become fixated on a thought that keeps us stuck in unhelpful patterns. You can use contrasting thoughts to find better ways to move forward.


There are times when you need to figure something out, to come up with a response to something, someone, a situation. If that situation is distressing you because of other people or their actions, you might have noticed that there is a tendency to become fixated on one thought, one course of action that you play out over and over again in your head. You know it is not a good solution, it will not serve you, the other person or the situation and yet it is hard to move past it.

There are often many things at play that hold you in that thought pattern. Some possibilities include you might feel as if you are the injured party and there is a part of you that either wants payback or wants the other person to take responsibility – after all, why do you have to be the…

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When Your Worldview is Insufficient to Explain Your Experience

Each of us is a multi-dimensional human being and a singular worldview is often insufficient to describe or understand our life experience. This post brings together my spiritual journey and exploration with some of the most profound work I am doing in the world with Jerry Nagel and Worldview Intelligence.

Worldview Intelligence

Eben Alexander Eben Alexander, M.D.

Eben Alexander is a neurosurgeon who had a near death experience (NDE) in 2008. I am reading his book, “Proof of Heaven” because of my own spiritual journey that I continue to write extensively about at Embracing the Stranger in Me: A Journey to Openheartedness. However, in reading Alexander’s book, it is his use of the word “worldview” that has my attention. It literally leapt off the page when I came across the first reference because I am immersed in the work of Worldview Intelligence these days and I am curious to see what he means by it. The word worldview is showing up in many different contexts these days without any explanation of what people mean when they use it. As I read on, I realize he is describing many aspects of worldview as Jerry Nagel and I know, experience and teach…

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Not Enough Time


Tell me what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? – Mary Oliver

Not enough time in the day.  Not enough time to get everything done. Not enough time to begin a project, to have a  conversation. Not enough time with a loved one.  Not enough time. Not enough.

clock with womanClock with man

I am certain that in a world that seems to move at an ever increasing pace, almost every one of us has, at some point, uttered the wish for more hours in a day. Because of the pressure of to-do lists that never get completed, have you ever jammed more than is humanly possible into a day or tried to eliminate sleeping hours from your schedule? Has your feeling of not enough time, not getting things done ever been turned into a story of you not being enough?

Time. It is relative. When my older sons were…

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