Moving Through Overwhelm One Small Step at a Time


With all that is happening in the world right now, it is easy to be consumed by overwhelm so vast that it makes it almost impossible to do anything. It is important to stay informed, to look for things that are true, but the search can be all consuming and then debilitating. You might wonder what you, one person, can do.

The first is to retreat. Only long enough to find vibrational harmony with that which is at peace within you, to find vibrational harmony that will allow you to act with intentionality. That action need not be large in the world. Any small step will do. Yesterday I published a post on connecting with yourself. There are some ways to do that listed here.

Small steps you could take today:

  • A moment of quiet
  • A small act of kindness for someone
  • Consciously sending love and light out into the world
  • Remember the things that bring you joy (it is okay to experience joy in the craziness of these times – in fact, it is essential, it might contribute to keeping you sane)

Today, I will post on social media mostly things that hearten me and this week I will publish as many short posts as I can focused on messages to keep us strong and openhearted.

In a world that is going crazy, we need all of us to find our internal light to shine it out into the chaos.

Connect to You This Week


We each have access to infinite wisdom. We have channels to the greater universe. One way access it is to take a few minutes to connect to yourself, your inner knowing and wisdom. To do this, take a moment to turn off or tune out distractions.

Close your eyes.

Take a deep breath.

And another.

Breathe in until your whole body expands.

Breathe out until your whole body relaxes. This will slow you down and for some, that is all it will take.

Additional suggestions for those who need gentle nudges:

  • Light a candle and be fully present as you do so
  • Reflect
  • Invite images to come into your awareness and trust in what arrives
  • Journal
  • Drum, sing, dance
  • Pull tarot cards
  • Drink tea
  • Go outside, put your feet on the ground (even with shoes on), take a walk
  • Notice the beauty around you (yes, it is there too)
  • Tune into positive messages
  • Meditate
  • Do yoga
  • Turn off social media
  • Reach out to a friend

It does not need to take a long time. A moment can make a big difference. However you choose to connect with yourself will be lovely.

How will you connect with yourself this week?